Ok, sorry for the long delay. Did you know we are getting ready to seat our first design team? Oh, and all our book contest entries have been coming in too. And, the shipments of new BIA V2.0 are rolling in, as well as the new Cover-Alls, so......we have an excuse or two. We are a
little busy around here.
But that doesn't mean we don't want to give goodies away! Here are the yummies from Teresa Collins that I promised. If you haven't come across Teresa's line of papers (and where have you been if you haven't!?!?!?), her papers work fabulously with the Dreamkuts and Bind-it-All. And since I am on a Halloween kick lately you can enjoy this little video of me making a fast mini book with her Halloween paper, the Dreamkuts, and some Zutter acrylic covers. She also has Travelogue, Bon Appetit and other papers that go together quick for gifts and beautiful projects.

Look at the awesome stack of goods I am going to send to TWO lucky blog readers. The first winner needs to tell us about the wackinest, spookiest, craziest Halloween costume they've ever worn. Links to actual pictures get extra credit. AND, we will send ANOTHER set of goods to a randomly drawn comment poster. So let's get going. We will draw/pick these winners October 15.
Can't wait to read what ya'all come up with. I am still keeping cool with all those drink recipes you left back in August! Have a great weekend!
Well, it wasn't actually my costume, but a friend dressed up as the tacky tourist! We had the most fun that day, she even wore the nerd glasses. I just wanted to let you know I love your products and enjoy reading your blog. Thank you for sharing a little part of your family with us! Lisa
When I was in elementary school, a friend and I dressed up as clothes poles with a clothesline between us with socks and things clipped to it. We had quite a time trying to walk without dragging our laundry. Needless to say, by the time the evening was over, we had dirty laundry. Sorry, but i don't have pictures. That was 40 years ago.
Well, I don't have any pics :( but my freshman year in H.S. I was the polluted ocean. I had this vest that was blue and had sequins or something shiny like that on it, and it reminded me of water. So I wore the vest, and just black jeans and a dk. blue shirt. I tied empty soda cans and other trash around my neck and used face paint to make an ocean scene on my face.
Also, when I was a kid, hmmm... maybe 7 yrs old, I was a Hershey Kiss. But it was a hand-made costume. I remember standing on a stool for hours so my mom could put the pieces of aluminum foil on one by one. We used wire hangers as the "frame." She even made me a little hat that looked like the pointy top of the Kiss with a little paper sticking out of it!
well, i don't dress up - ever. of course, as a child i did [casper was one of our family's favorite costumes]. i made costumes for my daughter for years... wonder if she'll consider them wacky one year?
I ironed on a letter p to my sweatshirt and gave myself a black eye with shoe polish in college. my budget costume. I was a black-eyed P.
I so wish my mom had taken a picture of this. One year when I was a kid I went trick or treating dressed up as "The Headless Horseman". YUP!! You read that right!! I wore one of my dad's button down long sleeve shirts, stuffed the arms with newspaper, hid my head under the collar and buttoned up over my head. I tucked in into my jeans and peaked out in between the buttons!! The worst part was when it came time to go outside and it got dark out. My brother and sister forgot that I could barely see and went way ahead of me and I kept falling into bushes!! I didn't get a whole let of candy that year either:(
I was a card in a deck of cards with 51 other people.
I just got the new bind-it-all. LOVE IT!
I don't have any pics of when I dressed up, but I do have a cute pic of my daughter's pictures last year. She was the wicked witch of the west with a green face and blue hair. It was really cold, so about halfway through the night she had little rivers of no paint under her nose...hehe.
Back in the 1960's, I was a huge Addams Family fan. My mother made me a Cousin It costume by tearing old white bed sheets - several of them! That was the best costume I ever had! Sorry, I have no idea where my pictures are!
Sue in Alexandria VA
A group of me and my girlfriends dressed up like our husband then we dressed up our husbands like women.it was so funny..So sorry no pictures they wouldn't let us.We trick alot of our family...And I can say our husbands do make prettiest women..So sorry can find the photo right now but my brother is looking for one.I will post it when he finds it....Happy Halloween everyone..
I usually go as a different type of Zombie each year. Some years I am more decomposed than others, some I'm more bloody, this year, I'm working on the bite marks, I think. This year, there is a zombie walk scheduled here a few days before Halloween, which I am very excited about. The word goes out and lots of people meet downtown to drag ourselves through town, grunting and calling for Brrrrraaaaaaaiiiiiinnnns. :) It's fun and entertaining for all the people working downtown, too--certainly makes rush hour a little more festive for Halloween.
Oh and you can see my photo from last year at:
I don't think I've dressed up in any wacky costumes, but my sister-in-law went as a bunch of grapes one year - she had a ton of purple balloons all over her and wore a green beret!
Love my bind it all!!
I can't believe I'm posting not one but two photos of me dressed up for Halloween growing up. In one of them I can't even figure out what I am supposed to be. LOL
Love some of these costumes!! I was Cat Woman once. And took my cousins kids trick or treating... It was fun.
My brother dressed up as banana once. He is tall and skinny. Perfect! No photos...sorry!
Great give away!
I don't have any pics online but one year I went to a party as a Barbie doll complete with the box. I dressed up with the blonde wig and cheesy outfit and then made the box she came in. I even put the white ties that would've held me in. It was a ton of work but I won best costume!
I never dressed up wacky even when I was a kid. I know I've dressed my children up when they were small. When my oldest was a teenager, he wanted to go as Freddy Krueger which was really strange, but he did do a good job of it.
While in grad school, I commissioned a costume from my cousin who has a super talent for sewing. (She doesn't even have to measure you, she just looks at you & can sew anything to your exact measurements.) In addition, she owns her own sewing business in which she mostly makes costumes for strippers. Yes, I said strippers! Things like rip-off pants and teensy-weensy dresses... I had her make me a Wonder Woman costume to exact comic book specs. It was awesome!! It was so awesome I won a Halloween costume contest at a local pub that year and then passed my costume on to my cousin and my old college roommate. I'm not sure where it is now, but it was well loved. I sure wish I had a photo for y'all seeing as how this was 8 years and 40 lbs ago. lol
Dh & I were a 4-pack of wine coolers back in college (about 1988). We were each an inidividual wine cooler and we walked around in the 4-pack. It was pretty cool - we got lots of compliments! Halloween is so much fun!
I dressed up as "spaghetti upset" one year -- a string mop head, a collandar, and brown pompoms on my head. Some string mom pieces pinned to my red shirt and a pasta spoon made up the rest of my outfit. Not scary, but certainly got some chuckles and comments.
Well, I have not dressed up in almost 20 years, so I'll just leave a comment about how yummy the papers are and hope I'm the random winner!
Oh gosh I just remembered a costume from my college days! My friends and I were going to a party and we had to dress up as "the scariest thing you can think of." Well, I was flunking Freshman Chemistry at the time...so I dressed up as a chemistry book! I made a huge book out of cardboard that I found in the dumpster - and made it look like my chemistry book. I wore it like those end-of-the-world guys wear their board thingies, you know? Then I painted my face green, like a chemistry experiment gone bad, and wore my lab goggles. ooohhhh scary! No pics tho.
Some friends of mine (several years ago) dressed up as Beavus and Butthead -- complete with arriving on a riding lawnmower.
I can't remember anything weird...just the usual stuff....but i do hope i will the random prize!
Good luck everyone! :)
No whacky costumes here. Didn;t really do that in the UK where I grew up! So here's hoping for the random prize!!
My daughter is in college now and Halloween is still big as ever. Amy and her friends dressed up as the "Many Phases of Brittany Spears" All I could think of is "why?" See attached layouts, I scrapbooked but had my daughter journal, I certainly couldn't explain these photos!
Yes, you do see an "I Love KFed" tattoo on my arm. And why? Well,
what other way can I express our theme, "The Many Phases of Brittany Spears"? You see, every Halloween the Family Trees of Zeta Tau Alpha choose a theme for all of our costumes, and this year, we chose the tabloid-infamous Britney Spears. My grandbig, Taylor Wansley aka Mama T, dressed up as the notorious Kevin Federline himself, complete with
gangsta cornwrows and baggy clothes. My big sister, Cameron Watkins, dressed as Brittany Spears from her Mickey Mouse days, and my sorority "aunt," Cameron Jordan dressed up as the Britster in her first blaze of glory, the schoolgirl-themed music video for "Hit Me, Baby, One More
Time." And who, exactly, are my "cousin" Brady and I? The pregnant Britney Spears! Our job to complete the Family Tree was to dress as trashy as possible. Oh, and our little baby doll is Sean Preston, the first-born Spears in this little family disaster! We had a blast posing for pictures, and the only downside is that I don't know if we can top this next year!
In 2006, I was pregnant, so I dressed up as "bun in the oven" and my husband was the "baker". Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures. I wish we had!
Well, I'm hoping to win the prize from the group of people that don't have a crazy Halloween story to tell! LOL I guess we are just a boring family!
One year, when I was in elementary school, I attempted to dress up as a boy. But I failed. I looked like a normal kid. :-P Now why is it hard for girls to dress like a boy but when it is the other way around, they can pull it off? My Senior year, I was the band uniform manager, so I took the pagentry costume and wore it for Halloween.
we don't celebrate halloween here in France, but I would have loved to dress a wicked clown costume... :)
I have a Halloween tip for Trick or Treat. My husband and I do goody bags & we place our address labels on the back, so parents know exactly who they came from. I also put items in the bag, that parents would feel safe giving to their kids. Such as: balloons, stickers, colorful band-aids, fun pencil erasers, etc.
Karen S
I celebrated Halloween only once in France because here is brand new Halloween, but I love this festival and this year for Halloween it will be "Disneyland" youuppiiii. I can make me much pleasure and scrap.
I always had traditional costumes - nothing really off the wall. But my favorite halloween memory was feshman year of Collage, my roommates and I convinced my then boyfriend (now husband) to dress as a girl. We dressed him up with the works, wig, stretch dress, stuffed bra, makeup, fishnet stockings and high heels (even gave him a lesson on walking in the heels). Well by the time we got back to the dorms - he had been asked out on 8 dates - these were legitimate offers too. It was sooo funny!!!
Many moons ago my DH and I were invited to a costume party and my DH dressed as a ballet dancer. It was a sight to be seen!!! Sorry to say that we didn't take many pics back then.
As a teen, I dressed up as one part of "Larry, Darryl, and Darryl" from Newhart. And my son won first prize as a pile of leaves in out town's PumpkinFest. I took a red sweatsuit and hot glued/sewed silk leaves all over it. Then I made a mask from red fun foam and glued leaves all over it. A red ski cap decorated with leaves and a rake completed his outfit. :)
I don't have a picture but I still have the costume. I had to go to a costume party about 17 years ago and decided since I just LOVE cows, that I would turn an old black jumpsuit into a Cow costume, udders, hooves and all! I even had a headpiece with horns and a big old cow bell....need more cow bell, I have it..lol
The kicker for all that was they made me go down to their barn and stand in a stall with the other cows so they could take a photo. And I never even got a copy of it!!
Love that video - excellent job! It's really inspiring & you can see how super quick & easy the whole process was! Xcelnt! Tanx ;)
Sorry to say I have no pictures, But my funniest costume was a 9 month preggo fairy out trick or treating!
I have pictures(just not on my computer, so not much help) but 8 years ago my best friend and I rented sumo wrestler costumers, thta even had built in fans..hahahha
We went to a Halloween social and we won prizes for the best costume..although they called us the "drunk chipmunks" not sure how they got the costume confused..hahahah
Nan, Nice to 'see' You!
I have been debating about getting a BIA for months now. You make it look so easy and now I really want one!
Thanks for the tips. =)
I made my own costume several years back I dressed up as a unicorn for work and I won a camera out of the deal. My stepfather now he is super naughty one year he made a costume for himself as a functuioning part of the male anatomy if you catch my meaning he won every halloween costume contest that night with it I saw the pictures and I was blown away
Love Halloween!!! I don't have any pictures from when I was little, we didn't have a camera...but my brother was a mummy one year and my mom and I wrapped him in bits of "cheese cloth" material and he looked awesome! By the end of the night he looked like he had escaped out of a scary graveyard as his costume was unraveled and dirty from goofing around! He used to dress up in two different costumes and go around the neighborhood twice to get more candy! Fun times!
I dressed up as a bunch of grapes. I had a purple leotard on with balloons pinned on and a green felt stem hat. It was actually a pretty good costume, but was very akward to walk around in. Once I was in it it was difficult to move around w/o popping the balloons.
Well darn! I wish we did Halloween - those papers are amazing!
Since I had my sons, I haven't dressed up for Halloween. They got all freaked out one year when I tried to. I'm hoping as they get older, I will be able to do this again. I do love Halloween as it is the day my youngest was born. The video was very helpful!
I haven't dressed up in a long time. Love reading about everyones costumes though.
Well this is a picture of just one of the very few times I have dressed for Halloweeny.....and let's just say I was RED from head to toe! (my dh thought it was pretty sexy! lol!)
Thanks for the fun! Have been enjoying your blog for some time!
The wackiest costume I made for my hubby to wear and then I wore it one year for work was bag of M&M's. I will have to find a picture because it was so much fun. I sewed in an inner pocket where we kept little bags of M&M's and we would toss them out to people. It was alot of fun.
I will try and find a picture, got to have one somewhere. I still have the costume along with the costume that was a slice of pizza that Dave wore while delivering pizza for Dominos LOL
Hiya, I just got my Bind-it-all last week and can't wait to have a few days of to start playing with it. I dont have any pictures but one year some friends and I dressed up as whicthes but our cotume was made from black rubbish bags :) Just wanted to say a BIG thankyou for sharing all your ideas with us. Patt
I think I was about 3 or 4 my aunt dressed me up as a Southern Belle. They got an older dress and had my aunt hem it up and then added a pillow to my chest and even a pillow to my behind! They even had a scarf and a hat for me. My mom told me that everyone was just dying when they saw me walk because I was so thrown off balance by the chest and bottom. LOL
Here's where you can view my picture. Sorry for the bad quality. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.editAlbumPhoto&albumID=62824&imageID=31251892&MyToken=af38b658-0425-4e58-b368-64b0a5b87a64
I am also one of those that would love to be choosen just for commenting.
Last year my husband and I hosted a Halloween party, complete with Bloody Mary's of course! I dressed as a witch, complete with broom. Our neighbor Mary came dressed as a pumpkin! During the party there was a knock on the door. Opening the door, we were greeted by an entire group of pirates (Arrrr!). They were saying, "Riley sent us" Turns out it was our cat, Riley's vet, her staff and their children. What a hoot! (Riley was spooked and ran upstairs!)
In 1995 while I was undergoing chemotherapy and was as bald as a newborn babe, I attended a 3-day camp for adults living with cancer. Each camp has a different theme, and since it was October, the theme was a Halloween carnival. We had a blast. I dressed as a newborn baby. My costume was a pink romper with a big blow-up butt. Of course it had a huge baby bottle and baby bonnet. I won first prize! I have never had more fun or laughed so much as we did those 3 days. I have a pic but no way to post it.
My craziest costume was being dressed as an M&M. A couple of co-workers and I thought it would be fun to dress together and the M&Ms were born. It was kind of like a double duty costume as we worked for Wal-Mart and sold M&Ms! I am looking for the picture.
When I was in 3rd grade my mom dressed me up as a wind up doll. We got the iea from Chitty Chitty Bang bang! She made my "wind up key" out of styrofoam, I ill never forget we were in line dressed up at school for the halloween parade and the boy behind me turned my key and broke it.. I cried lol..
I was a bumble bee...the buzzing that I did all day drove the people at work nuts! It was so worth wearing the costume
a while ago when I was a teen I dressed up like a BIG o'l Christmas Tree and my brother was a BIG O'L lego!
It was so funny because we both couldn't get in the door at the party. I guess my mom didn't plan for that part. After much work we got in the door.
My mom and I took cardboard and made a large Christmas tree shape. Ever thing was closed in on the sides, we left the bottom open for my legs and there was a whole for my face. lol I even had ornaments on me. I also had on red and white striped stockings, with my feet in a box each. I think the finishing touches were that we wrapped the two boxes with rapping paper and bows!
Still to this day it is my favorite Halloween costume :) Thinking about it makes me want to make one for me this year lol.
PS my birthday is Halloween. NO LIE! I was born at 2:59 am on Halloween. IT's why I go all out for the holiday and why Orange is my favorite color.
I never dressed up in scary costumes as a kid or as an adult! (Yes, I am one of those who has nightmares about scary and suspensful shows!) I am from a Dutch heratige and always loved dressing up in my Dutch Costume as a child! I don't have any pictures that are scanned in but I always made such a cute little Dutch Girl! Halloween was always one of my favorite holidays to design for.
oh and PS I even had a big o'l star at the top ;)
No costume thing, I'm usually too busy sewing elaborate costumes for my three kids, but I did buy my first Bind it All machine last week and I LOVE IT. I keep looking for more stuff to bind.
My Mom used to sew our costumes when we were little. The one costume that has "haunted" me since that time was a Raggedy Ann costume she made me when I was in
1st or 2nd grade, complete with the red wig, stockings, the works. Oh, I wish I had pictures of that day at school. My brother went as Raggedy Andy, and here I thought I was scarred for life.
the last time I dressed up was in high school, many years ago, thanks for the demo!
Ahhh Halloween! I usually dress up in makeup as some kind of monster, and my boys always want to be zombies!
Love the Bind it all - can't WAIT to get one! I love mini books and just dream of all the cool things I could make with it!
One year I was LATE picking out a custome and had SLIM pickings. (Back then you rented customes not buy them). I was a CHICKEN!! It was before digital so I will try and dig up a picture!
There are no pictures, but my sister and I dressed up as bunches of grapes for a halloween party in my daughter's classroom. We wore tights and turtlenecks covered with purple balloons.
The wackiest costume I did was about 3 years ago when I was still working. I dressed up in a witch costume and had one black and white striped tights. Then I had on ruby slippers. I was the witch that the house fell on in the beginning of the Wizard of Oz. I carried a little broom and made bumper broom stickers that said things like "My other broom is a Nimbus 2000". My costume was a hit and I won first place in the contest.
I really don't have a crazy costume to share. Kind of boring, I know. So, here's hoping I'm the random winner! I love Teresa Collins papers.
Well, I didn't really wear it but I put it together so I hope it counts. My MIL is such a good sport and one Halloween, I dressed her up as a biker chick. Now, she is your typical grandmother and I think she was around 60 at the time so it was really funny. I sprayed her hair orange and hot pink and we found leather jackets and denim and fixed her up great. I had tons of make-up on her and she looked great. My friend let her sit on his Harley to give out candy. What a great memory...
Ok, the worst costume was that of a Pittsburgh Steeler Cheerleader when I was like in 1st grade. Hair in the pigtails with the fat yarn as the bows, black shorts, yellow t-shirt and pom poms made from party streamers!!! Thought I was the bomb....I saw a picture recently and Oh lordy.....thank goodness it was the 70's
One year, before I had children, I dressed up as a grape vine for a Halloween party. Too bad I don't have photos....this was when photos were not important to me. (Little did I know) anyway, I wore a black and green stripped skirt outfit with green tights. I then safty pinned about 30 huges purple balloons all over my body. Yep...I looked like one the the fruit-of-a-loom guys.
It didn't matter, I won the grand prize.
I'll never forget the Raggedy Ann costume I wore and my mom made me a red yarn wig and put freckles on my face. That was over 30 years ago and I will always remember it!
I was an ace of hearts one year....
In Australia we don't really celebrate Halloween, so I have only ever worn ONE Halloween costume (and that was for a party). I was dressed as Frankenstein's Bride, complete with fake blood, black lace-up boots and wedding dress.
The pics are on a layout I did, here : http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_EcaPH0e8vDQ/SOHlBNeilWI/AAAAAAAABQE/8IBHkk59nDU/s1600-h/believe+imagine+layout.jpg
Cindy, Australia
I can't remember anything about a funny dress up, except maybe when I was a little girl at the ballet school, we used to be dressed up in ladybugs, I still have the black and red cushion I was wearing on my back. It's cute, not funny. I love the bind it all, please, pick me !
No crazy Halloween costumes here. But, as a child, I did have a bunny costume that I LOVED. I dressed as a bunny 2 or 3 years in a row!!!
Love the video!!! Hope to see more!
When I was 10 my Mom and I moved away from all my friends in North Carolina to live with her mom in New Jersey. It was a hard time for me but I remember that Halloween, my mom found her majorette uniform from high school and it fit me! We even found her old baton. I was so excited that Halloween to have such a cool costume that made me feel like I belonged. Guess that is not wacky but it is memorable.
Thanks for the great video. I am new to the Bind-It-All and really appreciate the creative examples.
I pray not to offend anyone. I don't have any pics, they burned up in a house fire:{ I dressed up as a midget and went trick or treating with my son whom at the time was like 3 or 4 yrs. old. (he is 27 now) I took a piece of cardboard that measured all the way around me and was as long as from the top of my head to my waist, wrapped it around and glued it and added a brim to the bottom to make it look like a top hat, cut two eye holes in it and covered them in screen so you couldn't see my eyes and sprayed painted the whole hat black. Then I took a jacket that was 2 times my size and stuffed the sleeves with newspaper and safety pinned gloves to the end of the jacket sleeves, and i also stuffed the glove fingers. Then I borrowed a pair of jean shorts that was 2 times my size as well and attached them with suspenders so it made it look like a pair of jeans, the suspenders were hidden under the jacket so you couldn't tell they were just hanging on me. Then I took a mask from an old costume and pinned it to the top of the jacket, just below the hat to make it look like a face. My arms stayed up inside the top hat. I also attached a plastic jackolatern, to hold my candy, to the glove and pinned it inside the jacket pocket. Believe it or not, I went to every house my son did and every place that was having a party had me come in and show their guests my costume. EVERYONE thought I was a child under that costume and I ended up with more candy than my son and everyone we were with. I had an absolute blast! I never spoke to anyone checking out my costume so I didn't give away that it was really an adult. Thanks, that was fun remembering that! Sheryl in Callahan, FL.
I think my wackiest costume was a jelly bean jar. I took a clear dry cleaner bag and filled it to the top with those tiny blow up balloons. (Which shows off my superior lung power...LOL) and then made a circular "lid" hat. It was a lot of fun but really hard to walk in!
Oh gosh it was 20 years ago and my husband and I and another couple dressed up as space people. We had wigs that were like tinsel and our costumes were all metalic. My husband rigged up miniature lights in our costume which were run by a little battery pack that he had rigged up. It was crazy..Sorry no picture
Don't have a Halloween costume story for you....that wasn't something we celebrated as kids...and now my kids dress up as cutsie little skunks and elephants (costumes that I make)....but I'd love some TC paper....my LSS doesn't carry it at all :(
I can't think of any costumes I've worn that are worth mentioning here, but when my daughter was in third grade back in the early 80s, I decided to save money and sew her costume instead of buying one for her to wear to her school's Halloween party. I purchased a pattern for a clown costume, and by the time I paid for the fabric, the felt for the clown hat, yarn for pom poms, and other notions, I spent well over $30. It wasn't much of a savings, but she did win first prize for the funniest costume.
I bought the Bind It All v.2 three days ago and can't wait to use it to bind some projects. I love the Teresa Collins papers and have my fingers crossed that my name will be drawn.
hmmmmmm. let's see....
i wasn't a big dresser upper, so i guess i would say i dressed up as a letter {our whole club were letters} and ww walked around campus displaying different words.
guess it's one of those "had to be there memories" LOL! :)
thanks for the RAK opp! :)
i promise to pay it forward! :)
shari :)
Believe it or not, my best costume was as a witch last year. I painted my face green, did the whole nose and wart thing and used latex gloves painted green with black fingernails glued on. The people I worked with did not know it was me until I spoke. So maybe not too scary, but tons of fun. I just got my bind-it-all a couple of months ago and love using it.
One of my favorite costumes was my flower costume. I must have been maybe 8. My mom let us be flowers. We had green leotards, she made a little skirts of leaves. Each leaf was on individually so the leaves swayed as you walked like swaying in the breeze, we also had a garland of shorter leaves around our necks. But the BEST part was the petals. Somehow, I don't remember how, she made stiff petals out of our favorite colors that framed our faces by being attached to headbands. The petals we big so the flower looked proportionate.Add green tights, and green Mary Jane type shoes and we were set! Can you see these two little flowers hand in hand skipping down the sidewalk, leaves swaying in the breeze? :)
I love Halloween! I would say my favorite costume would have to be when I dressed up as Dorothy because I made the costume myself. Sorry no wacky!
I just got the new 2.0 and I cannot wait to use it!
I haven't dressed up since I was a kid. Growing up in northern Wisconsin Halloween our costumes had to go over winter coats or be hidden by them to go Trick or Treating. Helen
I just got a bind-it-all. LOVE IT! I keep looking for more stuff to bind.
I recently ordered a bind-it-all V 2.0, and I can't wait for it to arrive!!!!
I have two. But no pics.
One I dressed up as a nun. This was at a time when I was anything but! The other was I wore a white tshirt that said "HALLOWEEN COSTUME" It was a generic halloween costume!
Wackiest costume I ever made was for my 10 year old neice who insisted on being Medusa for Halloween. Flowing stone-colored gown complete with turban that had about 40 rubber snakes attached to it! It was hilarious. Sorry, no picture, but thanks for chance to win!
G'day! WOW - what an awesome blog. Here in Australia Hallowen isn't really celebrated so I don't have a costume to show you but the best costume I remember my parents making us as kids is the rubix cube! By the way - love those Teresa Collins papers - I've not seen them before - been hiding under a rock I think. Takes forever to get some goodies out here. Feel free to pick me out!
G'day! WOW - what an awesome blog. Here in Australia Hallowen isn't really celebrated so I don't have a costume to show you but the best costume I remember my parents making us as kids is the rubix cube! By the way - love those Teresa Collins papers - I've not seen them before - been hiding under a rock I think. Takes forever to get some goodies out here. Feel free to pick me out!
please enter me in the drawing.
I have never dressed up at Holloweenbut this year will be the first time..Im in my 40s and my DD Abi is 5 so Im going to dress up with her!
sadly halloween is not a big thing in the UK, so we miss out big time. My eldest son (22) attends the fancy dress at his local pub wearing his usual clothes, claiming to be a homicidal maniac ... cuz they look just like everyone else! Love Teresa Collins, Love BIA ... & would love to win the random prize.
I would love to be included in the drawing. I have never dressed up as anything crazy for halloween. Every year my mom dressed me up as a clown, so that got boring and one year I went as a Mom. Now that I am one that was lame also. LOL
Wacky costume, huh?? Well that would have to be when my Father painted a ghost fave on me during Kindergarten and threw a sheet over me. When i went to school no one knew who i was and couldn't tell where my mouth was....wish i had a foto of that one!
My husband's friend's wife was due to have a baby in November and our invitation said it was a Halloween-themed baby shower. He and I dressed as husband and wife werewolfs using dark foundation over our faces and hands. We used cotton batting as hair on hands and heads too. Our noses were some concoction of flour and karo syrup but they held on. Our skin was completely covered otherwise. When we arrived, we were the only ones in costume! The trick was on us! We decided to stay anyway and realized that our best buddies didn't have a clue who we were! The families were talking with us and wondered how we knew certain things about them. The tables turned and the trick was on them! As we were eating, our noses came lose and fell off. Only then were our identities known. That was about 12 years ago and around this time of year everyone who was there, at the Baby Shower, talks about us werewolves! We'll never dress for a Halloween/Baby Shower again!!! It'll take some time to dig out the only two pictures we have from before we left the house but they bring a smile and a good laugh everytime we come across them! Thanks for bringing this up.
I am sooooooooooo thrilled to have discovered your blog. I recently had a birthday & my darlin' hubby bought me a 'Bind It All' machine & I now plan on getting the Dream cutter too. I love these machines & I also love to play dress up as well.
I work at a school & we have dress up days. Last term we had a 'come dressed as your favourite book character'. So that's exactly what I did - I went dressed as the wicked witch from Snow White - hee hee hee. Hopefully I can link some photos to this!!??? Check out my blog - www.sandiepinktutu.blogspot.com
and go to the August blog titled - Hee, hee, hee!!
It will show you pics of my dress up. I had heaps of fun as we all did on the day.
So thank you very much for the chance to win some fab products & I look forward to checking out your blog more often now that I have a 'Bind It All'.
Cool & bye for now.
Thanks luv Sandie
Hi me again - Sandie from Australia. I just left a comment on your blog & wish to leave a better link to photos - http://sandiepinktutu.blogspot.com/2008/08/hee-hee-hee.html
Thanks heaps & look forward to checking things out & making heaps of great stuff with my 'Bind It All'.
luv Sandie
Sorry no funny or wacky costumes stories here but would love to win that package of goodies as the random winner!!
My mom was very creative about costumes and one year she made a dice costume. She used a huge box and put the appropriate dots on the sides. The head stuck out the center dot on the 5 side, and was covered in a black head cover similar to what a henchman would wear so only the smallest amount of face was exposed. The arms and legs were also covered in black. It was as cute as the dickens. However at that time the elementary students had to parade thru the high school and it was 3 floors. With the die costume on,it was impossible to sit or climb stairs, so 2 teachers had to carry the die by supporting it under the arms. I do believe it won most original that year.
I love you first video Nan! Well I'm not here to win a prize! You did a great job and make everything look easy... step by step. I love the Teresa Collins papers you've shown! I bought some of them at Inspiration Unlimited and Teresa had us make a little Halloween book with the Bind-It-All too! Our main project was, of course, with the Bind-It-All again! As far as the costumes (as everyone is commenting about...) I have maybe one picture of myself dressed up when I was three. My mom didn't take too many of us dressed up for Halloween. Of course, I have taken tons of my nieces and nephews and about a million of my son!
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