While in Chicago, I made a quick stop at an Archivers location - I had never been to one, and was tickled to see the Zutter products in stock. They don't have the V2.0 yet, but what they did have they took good care of! I won't talk about what I bought while I was there because I know hubby looks at this blog periodically ; )
I found some yummy Teresa Collins goodies for giveaways later this month, so stay tuned.
Hope everyone affected by Hurricane Ike is safe and with family.
Have a great week!
Nice display!!! Good luck to everyone and I am crossing my fingers I am on that announcement list too!!
Archiver's is great! Have fun going through all the DT submissions. Good luck to everyone. I'm crossing my fingers that I'm on that list too!!
Good luck to everyone that are waiting for a call back.
Fun that you are going to have a give away. I'll be back for sure :) I heart Zutter!
I JUST bought the BIA v1 yesterday.... now I don't know what to do! Do I return it and wait for the v2.0? or will this one be sufficient?.... I know... I'm going to open it, love it and down the line think.... if only!
like everyone else my fingers are crossed also. Good luck to everyone.
Good luck to everyone!! I know there is a lot of amazing talent out there... I can't imagine trying to whittle it down to the top choices!!
So - GOOD LUCK to everyone that submitted!!
Looking forward to seeing the List of Designers choosen...good luck to everyone :)
Anxiously awaiting to hear the list of chosen design team members! Good luck to everyone!
waiting waiting waiting good luck everyone!
Wishing you the best in your selection process. Good-luck to all!
Wow. I wish my LSS had that kind of product!
look at all that fun stuff!!! all the best going through the submissions
GOOD Luck ladies! I posted some new stuff using the BIA on my blog. Been working on minis for Christmas gifts, 2 done, 2 to go :)
My fingers and toes are crossed. LOL Green with envy that you went to Archivers. We don't have them out here!
Good luck to everyone and I am crossing my fingers also...LOL!!!
when is it going to be announced? Anyone know?
Good Luck to all those applying for the DT... I am holding my thumbs, crossing my fingers, biting my nails...
We don't have an Archivers but I have been in one!
Good luck everyone!
It's nice to know so many are feeling the same. I can't wait to hear! Good luck everyone!
I am soooOOoooo on pins and needles waiting for the decision too! Are any of you like me and hate waiting? LOL!! Good luck to everyone! I am keeping my fingers crossed that I am on the list too!
Still waiting. Its been a long week or two!
Waiting anxiously here too!! I can't wait to see who will be on the team!!
I love the blog. I can't wait to see more blog updates once the Design Team is chosen. Good Luck to everyone.
And WOW, I can't wait for PINK!
the wait is horrible :) I'm so impatient :)
Good Luck everyone. I am sitting on pins and needles waiting to hear. I love the enthusiasm. Have a grea weekend
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