By the way, all the keep-cool summer tips are awesome and they are coming in handy this Labor Day weekend, where we have another hot muggy SoCal weekend. I had the girls doing some pre-back-to-school room tidying (we do Spring, Summer, Fall AND Winter cleaning around here to keep the clutter down), and it rolled into my scrapbook room, where I found these Zutter goodies for a back-to-school giveaway.
So when the weather starts to turn cooler (yay!) and you have some free time (perhaps the kids are at school), whip together some mini books of the last lazy days of summer, or a few early holiday gifts - with some 4X4 covers in all the materials - chipboard, canvas, clipboard wood, and acrylic. And a two-piece package of black 3/4" owire will help complete the mini projects. Just leave a comment, say hi and tell us what you are scrappin' these days. We'll draw a random winner on September 10.
And, thanks for stopping by the Zutter blog -we hope you will make it a regular stop on your web surfing excursions.
Oooh - am I first? WOW!
First of all - hi!
These days, just as I have been forever, I'm scrapping the kids. Doing everyday things, but looking so happy and fulfilled. You could never get photos of an adult looking as content as they do!
I'm scraping cats LO :) lol
have a great day!
I'm just scrapping everything!! I actually need to make a small book for Katie for her emergency numbers to keep in her back pack--she lost the one from last year.
I'm making a minialbum about our trip to the sea month ago. I can't finish it, cause the post is late with my shell stamps...
Congratulations Ami!
I'm scrapping whatever and whenever I can. I have several projects ready to go in my mind...now I just need to find the time to get them done :)
Congrats Ami!!! I'm working on a Trips Through Texas Mini Book! I'm highlighting what we did this summer.
Just went to the SD expo and bought the new metal covers from Jessica.LOVE them. I am going to scrap a small trip to Az. in my new book!
I am scrapbooking whatever my mood is that day. Right now I am doing a hodepdge of family photos. I am know realizing small albums are the way to go! Congratulations Amy!
Now that we added a puppy to our family, I am trying to think of a project I can create featuring her.
Papercrafting this weekend with the BIA. Very hard to explain the project but here goes. We had a box of obsolete copier key cards (they look like gift cards or credit cards) that my co-worker was going to toss. I took them and repurposed the cards into tiny albums and bound them with the 1 inch wire coils. Come by my blog later to see! http://leasanders.wordpress.com
I am scrapping my Design team items right now this is my last month on the DT so have to make it a good one...
I am gathering pictures to make a mini album for my husbands birth mother who just contacted us after 42 years.
i received a bind-it-all on saturday for my birthday from my DH and have been walking around the house for the last few days saying "i feel the need to bind something". i love my bind-it-all! i've already started making several mini-albums for xmas gifts...
im scrapping the kids!
I love my corner rounder!
I'm scrapping 8th birthday layouts of my ds. And got a change to snag a round-it-all (pink) at the San Diego Expo this past weekend! yay me!
hi! i just found this blog. :) i think i will be scrapping/binding a photobook for my friend's wedding last month.
I just got my Bind-It All and am so happy to have found your blog. I am so looking forward to playing with this. Keep up the great tips.
Your blog is already on my list of daily visits!
I have been busy whipping up projects for my class and now can focus again on my scrap stuff. I am going to make my kids each a friends album so when all the school pics come in they can put a pic in and have their friend write them a little message.
Oh wow! What a great prize!
Thanks for the offer! I am excited to have won the RIA from a little earlier!
Right now??? I am not scrapping much of anything. I am trying to do some overtime at work and saving up for a vacation at the end of Sept. I will get to scrap THOSE pics!!!!
awesome blog and thank for the chance to win some goodies.what i working on now is a clear frame i got from the dollar store a 12x12 clear one plus i just finish a mini album for ds girlfriend which came out great it a love album of both of them.tfs
I've been scrapping old class kits to clean up my shelves....amazing how the stuff piles up.
Hi. Congrats Ami!
What have I been scrappin? My DD! I've taken a break from recording events & done some LOs about her personality - lots of fun! & I'm working on a biggish mini book project... v exciting! [ well, for me anyway ;) ]
This is my favorite tool.. Just completed a mini album with it
I have been in a scrapping "rut" for the last month, so I trying to get back into the swing of things! I have tons of Disney World vacation photos from earlier this year and would love to get them all done! Have used my BIA for minibooks before and they turned out awesome!
Mojo has exited stage left, but I am going to drag my BIA out kicking and screaming to put together a ideas book. Then go through my scrappy mags and write down and draw anything that inspires me, fingers crossed the mojo comes home
I have several scrap projects going on right now. This prize package sure would help me with working on them
I'm scrapping a mini album of our beach vacation, using my BIA of course! :) Love my BIA and Dreamkutz!!
I'm working on a mini album of my teenage son and his friends. I also want to get one done of our trip to Quebec. PLUS I'd love to do one of our Disney cruise. I LOVE mini books.
What am I scrapping? Mini-books for my next two classes at my LSS, and albums for the kids camp pictures from this past summer.
Love, love, love the Pink!!
I am scrapping my son's high school graduation and my parent's 50th wedding anniversary.
I've checked the Zutter site regularly and somehow missed this blog. I enjoy putting together mini-books using the Bind-It-All and am looking forward to making a nice remembrance of my niece's wedding.
I just finished making a password journal from scratch for a friend to keep all of her online sites and passwords in it. I used my BIA to punch the holes into the pages and covers then bound it. It was alot of fun to make! If anyone wants to see it you can view it on my blog here
Have a great day!! ;)
I'm scrappin a mini album for my niece. She wanted an album for puttin her "bff's" in.. LOL!!!
I was going through some pictures and realized there is so much we do at the dinner table besides just eat. We play games, work on home work, do crafts, visit with family and friends and so many other things, so I am making a mini album about our "gathering" table.
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