Without you I could not create,
mini books of all sizes and weight.
In colors that go with any ink,
be it black, red, white, baby blue or baby pink!
And now in the beautiful new shades you will seek,
the colors called silver and brass "antique"!
In sizes small enough for the miniest of minis,
and those for the bigger books that are not so skinny.
Make sure you have plenty of Owire on hand,
for you Bind-it-All fans across this great land!
Leave me a rhyming comment or two,
and you shall win a box of Owire shipped to you!
It might be 3/8", 1" or any size,
Any color too, it will be a surprise.
Just release your inner poet in a scrappy Bind-it-All way,
and you will get a goodie in the mailbox one day.
Three winners will be drawn on a day of fate,
check if you have won on February 28.
footnote: because i am teaching scrappy classes that day very late,

A gift of Owire would be great,
It will help me finish all I want to create!
Can't wait!
A chance for a prize?
I will give it a shot.
This one chance,
is the best that I've got!
Owires so shiny,
with color anew.
I could think of so much
that I could do!
Pick me
Pick me
and a happy scrapper
you will see!
I am new to this little wonder,
Just got it last week you see.
Oh how amazing it is,
Chock full of ways to express my creativity.
Whether I make a journal,
or brag book to carry.
I have no doubt,
This is a creation from a fairy.
I love my Bind-It-All
And I always will.
It is the best part of my studio fill!
So thank you for this chance,
I sure hope that I win.
But if you choose another,
I will continue to use my new toy,
until the very end!
Oh how I love my bind-it-all
it allows me to have a ball!
I am saving up to get my Bind-It-All,
Really want to have a ball.
Can't wait for the day
When I will get to play!
Right now money is tight,
But soon it will be all right!!
Owire for free
Would mean a happy, happy me!
I would love to create
Things I make would be great!
Don't know how long I can wait! :-)
I just bought the pink one
With spirals and such,
I'm making my first book
I love it so much!
Great poetry, ladies! Good luck to all of you!
Thank you to my
and now I must admit
I'm having such a great time
with the Owire that fits
On the spine of my books
to bind cover to page
and page to the next
from beginning to end
from title to text
Now Owire I have
in white and black
black and white
but I've longed for silver
and gold, oh how right
On my lovely little books
that the Owire helps me make
so right here, right now let me clearly state
that new Owires are the best
Can you all relate?
Does your heart flutter
when you hear Zutter?
Oh what can I make...
I luv to create....
An O wire here
An O wire there
I use 'em a lot
Give 'em a shot
Big and small
I got 'em all
YOU planted the seed
It's the color's I NEED
Thanks for the fu!
The Bind It All is really cool!
An in genious little scrapping tool!
I'd love to try
yes I would!
Please choose me, If you could!
I could write a poem, in just a little time
(Well maybe longer, if it has to rhyme!)
But I'd rather be a playin', with my Bind-It-All.
Alas, I have no Owires, I used them up last fall!
So, hurry up, be quick, please send some more to me!
The best thing of all? You can send them to me free!
I just got my bind-it-all
I can't wait to play!
I can create a book for fall
or use all the color gray!
This free gift would be just great
I hope it's me so I can create!
Oh what a fun contest,
but I can't play, you see.
It wouldn't be right...
'cause I'm on the DT.
But I did want to comment and say what creative, cool fun!
and encourage all to play,
because you could be the one!!
I too have joined the fun
My bind it all is my favorite one
I would cry and cry if I ran out of owires
My creations wouldn't be done
So more options would be fantastic
And some free would make me ecstatic.
A poet, no
A crafter, yes....
please have mercy
and pick me, pick me, pick me!
The holes in this paper
don't detract
but react
as the paper turns her face
to greet cover, meet wire.
Paper becomes page
orbiting not imaginary axis
but spine.
Minibooks with baby blue o-rings in half inch,
Recipe albums bound together is a cinch,
A mini album, made fit for kings,
I can make these all with my favourite o-rings.
Black, white, brown, antique silver and brass,
Blue, pink, silver, red… what more could we ask,
O-Rings come in sizes for all sorts of things,
If only I had some new favourite o-rings…
When I punch it, when I bind it,
When I’m designing something rad…
I simply use my new favourite o-rings
And then I will be so glad!
A special gift from you
would be like going to the zoo
I would flutter and flutter
and return to my zutter
for some owire fun while contemplating- I won!
hehehe...so cute everyone...
I look around my scraproom in order to play
and much to my dismay
notice an empty spot except for my cat
where my Zutter once sat.
My heart is sad
but my friend must be glad
because she borrowed my Zutter toy
and never returned it... OY!!!!!
Owire for free
Please pick me!
for owire
I do lust
bind it all products
are a must.
I would love some new colors
with which to create
winning them would
really be great.
Owires would make the greatest gift
For my spirits would sure to lift
What a great day that'd be
You would see a smiling me!
I need those wires!
How can I express
The extent of my desire,
The judges to impress?
I need more BIA stuff!
Here is my plight:
I simply can't get enough,
'Cause I want to bind everything in sight!
Owires are neat.
Owires are dandy.
Owires lead to great scrapbooking eye candy.
Were I to win,
I would hold a big bash.
Because then I could add more Zutter stuff to my stash.
~ Krista
Without my Owires, I would be lost....All my book pages would fall out!
So as you can see, I need these please...My books are useless without them you see.
How exciting a new color I see,
So much I can create if you decide to pick me.
I ♥ creating mini albums the most,
Just hoping when I turn my computer
on my name will be on that winning
I ♥ my PINK Bind-It-All and can't live without,
If I win those OWires, I will do more than just SHOUT!!!!!
It is too hard for me to rhyme
But I sure would like to win this time.
Oh Zutter,
My Zutter,
O how I love thee
Without all your O-wires
My books would not be.
Every color delights
And now something new?
Oh Zutter,
My Zutter,
Oh how I love you.
This may not be easy but here it goes:
I have only one type
Of O-wires you see,
It would be so pleasant
If you sent some to me!
That wasn't really as hard as I thought it would be!
Owire To Make One Stand On End
On any Side..
Tall,Wide,Skinny,are Fat Owire Is the Desire
Anyone can be made a Star When I Bind Them All In My Bind It All!
The End!!
oh lovely wire,
you set me on fire!
I bought the machine because I had to have it,
and on the shelf for a year it did sit.
One crazy day I got reinspired,
just by looking at the box of Owire.
I've made several books and want to make more,
unfortunately I ran out supplies and didn't go straight to the store.
I bought more supplies so that I can play,
but unfortunately I must save that for another day.
The laundry is piled high and the scrap room a mess...
Where oh where did I put those owire's is anyones guess!
Ok...so it's kinda corny, but it was fun,
now I must wait to the 28th to see if I've won!
An Owire RAK, now who thought of that?
Wouldn't it be grand if we had every size on hand?
Whether I needed small or large or anything in between,
It really wouldn't matter, for to my Owire stash I would dash, and return with an Owire perfect for my craft, now wouldn't that just make you laugh?!
Owire is good, Owire is great -
Without Owire I couldn't create.
Oh, the wonderful things
I make with the rings...
called Owire.
Seriously, I LOVE my Bind It All. Recently I used it to repair a graphic comic that had pages falling out. Now it lays open and no more loose pages.
Owires are red.
Owires are blue.
Prizes are sweet,
And so are you!
I've used my owire
on many projects that inspire.
To have more on hand
would be better than grand.
So please pick my name
and I'll make more of the same.
I just got my BIA and made my first mini album...Love it!
i just ordered a zutter
and i can't wait
my heart is a flutter
with all there is to create!
Very fun. I see you have caught the scrapbook song bug! LOL
O-wires, O-wires where are you now?
I'm longing for you and must have you some how.
Are you willing to leave your home far away?
And stay by my side in darkness and day?
I can't live without you and I'm lost when you're gone.
It's sadness I feel from dusk until dawn.
Please say you'll come and leave me never.
O-wires, O-wires, I'll love you forever!
(Sniff-sniff, I need a tissue, it's beacuse of you, I'm having this issue!)
Oh happy day!
New O-wires with which to play!
The books galore
for all to adore
made with new colors here to stay!
It's brilliant, just brilliant, I say!
An ode to Owire I must create
A chance to win
That would be great
This entry I write to get me in
My Bind IT All is new you see
Supplies I need so I can play
Please listen to my humble plea
Pick my name on the reveal day
Elaine Allen
Rhyming you see..
is not easy for me
My bind it all is new
it still has much to do
Thats all I have to say
I hope its enough for a pay day
Bind It All is great
Bind It All is fab
My mini books are unique
And far from drab
Like every good scrapbooker I want it all!
So of course I've got my Bind it all!
now...ohhh me ohhh my
how I would love to win more owire!
Oh how I love my Bind It All.
Without it I don't want to be.
I pack it to and from the crops
So that others can see...
All the beautiful projects that I make
My own to Teresa C.
So please send me more Owire
So creative I can be! :)
So many beautiful things to create
I need get one before it’s too late
O’ Zutter how glorious it could be
If I could just win one of these
Soon I will have A Bind-It-All
For many creations both big and small
This little gadget is definitely in my view
Along with Owires of different hues
I love thee, O’ Zutter tool
In me there lives a rhyming fool
Cast the die and let me win
For at last the creativity can begin!
To win some Owire would be so fine,
it would go great with that Bind-it-all of mine.
I just started playing, to see all I could do,
and now I find I can win some Owire from you!
I love my Bind-it-all, it's become my favorite toy,
I got it for my Birthday, it's brought me lots of joy!
So hopefully I will be a winner, I guess that we will see!
'Cause I never win these drawings, nope it's never me!
I would love to win some Owire
it is my heart's fondest desire
I have heard such great things
about these little wire rings
It would help me with all my scrapping "to-do's"
I could get so much done with Owire I just can't lose!
What a fun twist on giveaway...love the poetry!
OH, I'd love to win
such a wonderful prize
I'd feel so special
so lucky, so wise!
Imagine the fun
and laughs that would ensue
as I made up my projects
to show off to you!
And hey this Owire
would be such a thrill
I'll upload to show you
You KNOW that I will!
So please don't look past me
Ignoring my plea
You truly want to send this
fab prize off to me
So, my name is Sandie
and I bind now with ribbon
I need something better
you know I'm not fibbin
Be kind, and pick me
And I'll be tickled pink
Pick Sandie... that's me
nudge nudge... wink wink
I love my Bind-It-All
to make projects big or small.
I've only one thing I need
(not, Mr. Lorax, a thneed).
I have Owires large as can be,
Small Owires are for me!
I'd love to win this wonderful prize
And have it arrive by mail, before my very eyes.
Low battery plagues me
But I'm Bind-it-All crazy!
So accept this verse
Even if terse
It is my passion
with my small ration
of o-wires to fashion
an album of...my little daschund!
A new Bind-It-All, oh could it be
will find its way, right to me
I've contemplated getting one
and now I think the time has come!
Owires of every color you bet!
That is what I will get!
It will be grand, it will be dandy
of course it will also come in handy.
my creative juices they will flow
A brand new gadget, I will love it so!
For a chance to win, i'll do what it takes
For now i'm entered and i've raised the stakes!
owires prize?
my heart rate's gonna rise!
lol - oh my - that is the WORST rhyming ever!
Oh my, ladies, you are the greatest.
Can't wait to see wich one of you creators
will win this fabulous prize,
and be able to bind something nice.
I know for sure it won't be me,
cuz I'm also on the DT ;-)
Great rhymes, all of you! Good luck!
I need owires to run my Etsy shop
If I don't get them I have to stop
Most everything I make needs a wire
If I stop...I can't sell to a buyer
Please pick me to make me happy
that way I can get back to work and stop being sappy!! :)
Thanks for the chance to win this great prize!! :)
Binding journals and cute little books
Even the recipes of many great cooks
My obsession runs deep and oh so very wide
My desire for Owire never to subside
Zutter created this tool of my dreams
My Bind-It-All joins paper by the reams
But it's those fabulous shiny Owires
That tops the list of my heart's desires.
Please won't you grant my crazy need?
Award me those Owires, with passion I plead.
More journals and books need to be made
And my local craft store I won't have to raid.
Thanks for the chance!
Peace & Love,
Oh O-wires, you are great
You help me to create
Books to give and some to keep
So my photos aren't in a heap.
O-wires, I always need more of you
The bigger, the better too.
My projects aren't often skinny
Even if the albums are named "mini".
Maybe I should work on making my books thinner
Thanks so much for a chance to be the winner.
Bind it all Bind it all
How I love thee
Bind it all Bind it all
Some O-wires for meeee
For poetry you call
I'll take the bait
In love I fall
When I need to create
I use them all
I can't discriminate
for my bind it all
they are the only mate
Finally bought
one of my own.
So excited
To take it home.
No more borrowing
for me since fall,
I have my very own
So many projects
now to make,
A gift of Owires
would be great!
I could not wait
my husband did not take the bait
I bought it myself
cleared off a home for it on an empty shelf
I love my bind-it-all
I need the wires, I need them all!
Could I possibly be the one?
To win some o-wire... Oh what fun!
I'll check the blog every day
I'll hope to see the message say
"Erin, my friend, you are the winner
And BTW, you look so much thinner!
A gift of o-wire is coming to you,
We can't wait to see just what you'll do!"
This will be fun they say--
I'm keeping my enthusiasm at bay.
A challenge this is
for a non poetic Ms.
Since O-wires I crave with zest
I shall try my best.
Favorite daughter's album is next.
Greece & Italy trip she expects.
Memories of students IB
& great sights she will again see.
On the weekend I hope to create
this album; the O-wires will wait
Because right now I am hoping
that on the 28th I will not be moping.
I love to look at my O-wires,
their lovliness makes me drool,
I am new to the craft,
makes mistakes that are daft,
and always see projects that are cool.
But what a surprise it would be,
to find O -wires for me,
come through my door,
so i can learn some more!!!!!!
terrible i know ,but worth a go!!
Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin’
Fingers crossin' and dreamin’ each night of this charms.
Hope This O'wire could be in my arms.
So if you’re looking for O'wire you can share
All you gotta to is hold this and kiss this and love this
And show O'wire that you care.
’Cause wishin’ and hopin’ and thinkin’ and prayin’
Fingers crosssin' and dreamin’ for O"wire
Oh Please, oh please O'wire,
wisshin' and hopin' that I'll win!!!
Owire, Owire
Oh how I require
your for a book I desire
to make for a friend soon to retire
oh me oh my
I cannot lie!
Can u almost hear me cry
As I aspire to try
for some large owire
of which I desire!!!
I love Owires!
I love o wires
yes I do!
I can use them on a book
or copy Jennifer too!
The possibilities are endless
when playing with my zutter
punching through anything
just like butter!
thanks for this chance
I hope I win big
Even if I don't
my Bind it all I still dig!
OWire, OWire,
Oh where can you be?
I have an album that needs binded you see.
I am new to this scrapping craze.
Which has left my pocketbook in a daze!
I love new things, but small is my stash.
This would leave my pocketbook with a little more cash!
Thanks for the giveaway chance!
They’ve compared love to
Flowers, and a burning fire
But love (if it’s real)
Is like a bunch of Owire.
First you find the right match
you just know, “This is it!”
With Owire, like true love,
The pieces just…fit.
(Like coordinated papers
of a scrapbook kit.)
Sure, Owire (and feelings)
get tangled and crushed.
and both binding (and bonding)
can’t be pressured too much.
But that’s the risk of
Loving…living…and creating
But it’s Owire (and true love)
That make memories worth making.
A gift of wire would be great!
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