And alas, last night I fell asleep,
Before naming the winners of the day.
So without further ado, and great fanfare and delight,
You wonderful poets deserve prizes ALRIGHT!!!
Who needs idea books when literary journals might do,
Congrats to all winners, you tickled our funny bones anew!
From the poet laureats of Bind-it-All:
Bellanca43 said...
The holes in this paper
don't detract
but react
as the paper turns her face
to greet cover, meet wire.
Paper becomes page
orbiting not imaginary axis
but spine.- (editors note: for channeling spiritual-zen like qualities of binding!) LOL!
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Jan said...
O-wires, O-wires where are you now?
I'm longing for you and must have you some how.
Are you willing to leave your home far away?
And stay by my side in darkness and day?
I can't live without you and I'm lost when you're gone.
It's sadness I feel from dusk until dawn.
Please say you'll come and leave me never.
O-wires, O-wires, I'll love you forever!
(Sniff-sniff, I need a tissue, it's because of you, I'm having this issue!)- (editors note: for the pure longing conveyed!)
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I love my Bind-It-All
to make projects big or small.
I've only one thing I need
(not, Mr. Lorax, a thneed).
I have Owires large as can be,
Small Owires are for me!
I'd love to win this wonderful prize
And have it arrive by mail, before my very eyes.