It seems this has been an incredibly hot summer everywhere this year so far. Even though we are in Southern California, and are incredibly spoiled with nice weather, even we are getting unseasonably hot days this year! Just when it gets to normal summer weather, we get hit with the hot, muggy, full-blast AC weather! Well, just pour me another icy Diet Coke, and call me when the sun goes down 'cause I am scrappin' all night these days!
Speaking of HOT....the Round-it-All was introduced earlier this year, and continues to be a major in-demand tool. Part of this stems from the fact that demand was outpacing supply, so they have been hard to get. But the main office tells me that orders should be flowing soon, so check with your LSS if you are waiting for these.
If you don't know about the RIA - you will want to see one in action. See Chapter 6 in the video library.
These are hand-held corner rounders that work on chipboard, acrylic, thin wood, thin tin, thin metal - anything the Bind-it-All can punch, the RIA can round. They come in two sizes - the R10 which makes a 1/2" corner and the R5 which makes a 1/4" corner.

By the way, make sure you spread the word on the Zutter Zisters-Design Team Call! Entries started coming in almost immediately when we posted earlier this week.

Keep cool!
Scrappy Nan
playing in any form of water is always a fun way to stay cool to me. :) I am sure hiding inside doing crafties or toting around some "cool" bind it all stuff would also be a great way to stay cool. LOL
i taught my lil neice how i used to stay cool when i was her age. we went outside, laid a tarp down on a hill, put a water hose at the top and ran and slid down it.
it's the ghetto slip-n-slide
My favorite thing to do to keep cool is a late night dip in the pool. The water feels so warm, yet it cools you down so that you sleep like a baby!
The ways I stay cool is three fold, a little bit of air conditioning, a fan, and a little bit of very cold ice cream. It's hard to believe that ice cream can help so much but it does. It tends to cool down your internal temp whbat feels like 10 degrees (even though it's more like maybe one or less).
We are staying cool by playing in our pool, eating ice cream in the shade, and drinking lots of lemonade.
We are staying cool this summer by renting a boat and going for excursions on the lake and by the every 20 minute dip! Who knew renting a boat was so cheap?!? LOL
Since I live in Florida, staying cool is a must! I grab my suit, get in my pool, sit on my floating chair and float in the nice cool water. Join me!
Its been pretty HOT in PA too...so with having the summers off I can spend time scrapin....in the cool AC with all my furry friends at my feet...
How I stay cool? I turn my ac down to 70 and stay the heck inside! LOL Great blog!
The beach! We live on the East Coast...and I love it! We head to the beach ever chance we get!
When days don't permit it then we have squirt gun fights with the kids, water balloon fights and a good dowsing with the hose!
Oh and for the adults...there is nothing better than a cold frozen strawberry daquiri made with chilled Absolute (instead of rum) on a hot summer's night! :)
I stay inside in the AC and scrap!
hmmmm....DON"T LIVE IN FLORIDA! I would love to be back in So. Cal. (where we moved from a year ago)! Summers here (which last til December) are horrible.
I have a daycare & am watching a baby boy right now & since it is too hot to go outside just to play I will sometimes take him on a walk & I put those cold packs from the freezer under the padding in his stroller so he is actually air conditioned outside!
My studio is in the basement here in hot and humid NC, and I always have a window unit running about 10 feet from where I work and meno-flash! Much cooler than everyone upstairs in the big house has to stay - the dogs love to come downstairs and lie on the floor to cool off, too! They often end up with paint on them...hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... wonder how that happens?
That is great about the give away!! I have just discovered the bind it all through a friend and I want one sooo bad,this would be awesome to add to the collection!
Hi Nan,
I am keeping cool this summer by cranking up the a/c, grabbing a cool drink, going to my scrap room, lighting a "Cinnamon Bun" candle and scrapping away.
Love the pink RIA!
Ice Cold Lemonade and Air conditing, oh and swimming. Good luck staying cool;)
In Melbourne, Australia it's not uncommon for us to have a string of days with temps around 100. We don't have AC so we keep the house shut up and blinds drawn till early evening, then we open all the doors and windows. Lightweight clothing, cool showers, BBQs outdoors or salads and cold meat for dinner. The kids splash in the wading pool, and we sit with our feet in the water.
I am a water girl, so to stay cool during hot summer months I fill up the inflatable kiddie pool with 5-6 inches of water. I take all three kids out there and we splash around. Perfect to keep us all cool....and contained.
We have been staying inside in the AC and drinking a big glass of ice tea! Thanks for the change to win the RIA.
Christina (luv*to*scrap)
Swinging in my hammock with a glass of lemonade and a good book is one of the ways that I stay cool.
Staying cool? AC, baby. And lots of fans around the house to keep the power bill down.
Staying cool...lots of frosty beverages by the pool :)
how kind of you!
I keep our house as dark as possible, my drapes are usually closed most of the summer, with the windows doors closed when it gets above 90'.
I set up fans to catch the air from each other and disperse it throughout the top level.
Fortunately we have a basement and this is where our family room is as well as my scrappy space so we pretty much live down here during the summer. :)
No AC in our house, so when it gets too hot, I just take a cold shower and that seems to help for awhile.
I keep cool by taking cold showers every night after I get home from work lol or on the weekend I run through the local parks sprinklers with my kids heheheheeh
Janie B.
I live in Florida also and I keep the AC on about 10months out of the year. I also close up the blinds and curtains everyday as the when the sun starts to go down to keep out the direct sunlight.
Make some sun tea and enjoy over some fresh icecubes and lemon slices! Mmmm! That's refreshing and keeps me cool!
What a cool tool!
My scheme for staying cool is to stay inside and scrap!
But here's a little drink that's refreshing for summer--a diet mojito:
Crushed ice
fresh mint
juice from 1/2 lime
1 packet of splenda
diet lime soda (there's one that's key-lime flavored that I love).
Combine it all and drink it up--yummy!
Is there any way to stay cool other than to turn on the air conditioning and spend the day scrapping? . . . not in my book!
Thanks Nan!
I keep cool inside the house by constantly opening the fridge and pretending to be slow about making my choice. My hubby thinks this is hilarious to watch! Outside I get the kiddie pool filled up and hang with my babies. It's for them, right? :)
Chilled watermelon wedges are always on hand here...
Another way I "stay cool" is actually listen to music my kids like and sing along. They like that.
Drink tons of water & sit/sleep under a ceiling fan to save on the AC bill.
Alaska Cruise kept me cool for a week!
I like to use Texas air conditioning in my house. Luckily where we live we don't really neeed AC most of the time. We have wide temperature swings between the daytime and night time temps. We open all the windows at night and let the house get down to 62 degrees at night and then close up all the windows in the day time and hold out opening any windows until sunset. Usually does the trick of keeping the house cool when it goes to over 100 degrees in the daytime.
Hi Nan, I cant ait to get my hands on both the blue and the pink RIA!
I hang out in my basement - which conveniently is where my scrap space is! My son has his art area and his Thomas trains down there as well, so it's not too hard to talk him into coming down with me. :o)
The stay cool- (aside from sitting inside w/the AC on and scrapping of course!) we hit the lake with the boat and water cannons. Put on your life jacket upside down (legs thru the arm holes) and zip it up, now you're floating with a water cannon. Let the wars begin! Yes, I know it's not SAFE to wear a life jacket upside down but it's really fun, you're like an island all by yourself!
This summer has been so muggy and humid here in Indiana, and to stay cool me and my 4 boys do a few things: One air, air, air!! We like to go to the beach, but with gas prices, how do you afford it! Mostly we go in the backyard grab the water hose and place it under our trampoline and JUMP JUMP JUMP!!! We also LOVE to make our own SNOW CONES!!
The best way to stay cool is make up a pitcher of mandarian martinis and drink them in the pool.
Calippo ice lollies and I take a dip in my children's paddling pool when no-one can see me!!
I'm an AZ scrapper and I scrap in my garage! I sweat stickles! To keep me cool while scrapping away I ALWAYS have a diet pepsi near by or even if it's late and the kids are in bed, I'll have a beer! Not to mention, I have two big room fans in there that are pointed right at me!
We spend long summer days at the local natural springs where the water is always 72 degrees. Nothing cools you down like that cool, fresh water!
Well, I'm one of the odd-balls that LOVE the heat so I don't know hoe good I am for tips. LOL. I would suggest keeping the air moving with a fan and a big old icy glass of sweet tea (that's what we do in South Carolina anyway!).
I stay in my nice cool scrapbook room as much as possible!!!
I stay inside and move v e r y - s l o w l y, as not to work up a sweat!
we do a lot of swimming when the end of july/begining of august rolls around.
thanks for the chance to win this way cool tool!!!
Best way to stay cool is to stay inside in the air conditioning.
Popsicles, Coke or Dr. Pepper with tons of ice -- all nice and cooling for the summer. Oh yeah, and staying inside with the cooler running full blast LOL!
Well, we live in the desert, so we have the air at 80, which helps. We, also, love to play with the hose. The nice thing about stamping and scrapping is that as long as you have your supplies right around you, you don't have to move much.
AC and margaritas!!
How cool is the R10? Would love to win one!
I stay cool by watching the icebergs float by in Newfoundland! I am originally from California and have yet to see a hot day here (just moved her 3 months ago).
Thank you for the chance to win one of your awesome products!
I've been eating triple chocolate ice cream drizzled with some Hershey's chocolate syrup.
Scrapping in the AC! Just picked me up a BIA and I love it!
I'm all about the coffee, so summertime means mocha frappucinos. Or, if I'm being good, iced water infused with strawberries and/or cucumbers. Very refreshing and a way to wake up the taste of water.
Just hop on a plane and head on down here to Australia..........it's real cool here! Brrrr!
SPRINKLER! ... I've been moving them around my yard for the past couple of weeks... makes for a cool job when it hits me in the face :)
I stay cool by staying in the A/C in my scrap room with a cold diet pepsi by my side! Love the new roundit all and would love to have a pink one!
A good excuse to stay cool is to go shopping! :-)
I stay cool on hot days by hole-ing up in my scraproom in the basement where it's always cool! Add an ice cool diet dew to the mix and I'm in heaven:)
I stay cool by hiding out in the A/C and scrapbooking at my LSS with my friends. Saw the RIA at GASC and thought it was COOL too...
I keep cool by staying inside with the A/C turned up. ;)
Living in Texas and having a year of near record setting heat AND no rain, you do best staying in the air conditioning and drinking lots of cold drinks!! LOL A cool shower after being outside and then laying in front of a fan. My favorite outside activity is to check the sprinkler system, running the zones and making sure they are working, keeps you wet and cool!
I'm spending my summer recovering from surgery. So I'm inside enjoying the AC, eating popcicles, and scrapping on a lap-table. Loving that new corner rounder too!! So awesome you made something that will finally cut through chipboard. Woohoo!!
Since you are in Southern California I would suggest a trip to San Francisco.
We just spent 3 days there and were quite chilly the entire time.
Well honestly I stay cool by staying indoors while at work. I am at work from 7-4:30, so I am inside for 9 hours of the day...then go staright home and put on the AC! We don't want any chocolate messes now do we!? Therefore I must stay indoors!!!
My boys and I love to play catch with a "sponge ball" to keep cool. Cut 2 new sponges into 1 inch strips. Tie the strips together so it looks like a pom pom. Get it wet and play ball!
My way to stay cool, besides swimming, is eating Edy's Strawberry fruit bars - only 80 calories, have real fruit (tastes like sorbet) - it cools me down quick. ;) I also play with the hose with my boxer pup, and ineveitably get wet myself.
I go swimming - when in VT, I go to a local river where the water is crystal clear and cool. At home, I go to the pool or river. I also stock up on frozen fruit bars, particularly Edy's.
LOL I am staying very cool during Your summer because I am in Australia and it is Winter :-) but during my summer I stay cool by definately drinking plenty of water and my must have is air conditioning :-)
Come over to Belgium! We don't have any problems staying cool here, as we have the worst summer ever. The past 2 weeks were sunny, but yesterday it started raining again and the forecasts say it won't get better the first 10 days. Perfect weather for crafting! Thanks for a chance to win, Annelies
Two words:
YUMMO! Thanks for the chance at a round it all!
We have had some really hot days here, and we don't have air conditioning in our house. So the way I stay cool is to go to the mall and go SHOPPING! I saunter around the air conditioned stores and spend all that money my husband thinks we're saving by not having air conditiong. LOL
There are 2 "solutions" that I use out here in Canada....
1) Stay inside in the ac and scrapbook...yeehaw!!!!!!
2) Or buy a little electronic spray bottle that spins while spraying water at ya
Trace G
My favorite way to stay cool is with a large glass of Ice Tea (unsweetened) sitting under the shade of a large tree while the kids play in the pool (lots of splashing so getting wet from the splashes works wonders!).
Wow! I can not believe all the ideas... Well here in the desert we spend lots of time inside with the A/C full blast, drinking lots of margaritas. Then when the sun goes down swim in the pool.
We stay cool inside in the central air and outside in the swimming pool!
I hide out in my nice cool basement (where my scraproom is) and create!
I like to dring Margaritas to keep me cool. I also scrapbook in the basement. Then the heat is up....you can find me down.
It's been hot and sticky in Ontario all summer! To stay cool, we keep a jug of lemon water in the fridge all the time. It's so thirst-quenching and cool...makes bearing the heat so much easier!
Our air conditioning conked out for a weekend when the average temp was over 100 deg F. We cooled down by spraying water on ourselves and standing in front of a floor fan!
Well, when we can't cool down in the house from ice cream or popsicles, we head for a drive in the air-conditioned truck. That always gets my little ones comfortable and off they go to dreamland :-)
Thanks for the opportunity to win one of these. I love rounded edges and hate that my punch can't get through chipboard. This would be a great addition to my tools.
Have a great weekend,
I just can't do heat anymore. So I stay inside with the A/C on 76 degrees, drink lemonade, and scrap.
It's not hard to stay cool in a beach community here in So. Cal. We only run our A/C a few days per year - and this past week contained some of those days! Besides the A/C I love to make my own mocha smoothies: milk, crushed ice, instant mocha coffee drink. If you are a skinny minnie, use ice cream instead of milk. And top it all off with whip cream.
How many great ways to stay cool. My kids' favorite 'stay cool' ideas: water balloon fights & swimming. It's been a HOT summer here in CA but drinking lots of water and the running fans (instead of AC) has helped a lot.
What better way to stay cool then by the pool??? We live in the HOT HOT desert. A pool is a MUST for us :) BTW, LOVE the cool corner rounder!!!
I discovered the spray bottles with fans on them when we were at Disney World several years ago. They spray a very fine mist that really cools you down. They are so refreshing and you don't feel wet after using them. I love to use those at hot softball games, amusement parks, in our backyard....
I also like to get into our pool, then get on a floaty and when I get too hot, get off the floaty and get wet, then get right back on. It's so relaxing!
I am loving it!!!
Ice tea - lots of ice tea!!
we stay cool with raspberry smoothies. :)
Try a cool washcloth on the back of your neck. Run cold water on your wrists. Surprisingly refreshing!
Thanks for the fun giveaway!
Ice cold IBC root beer in the glass bottles is my favorite summertime way to cool down!
We stay cool by putting some frozen blocks of ice into the spa and then relaxing in it with a cold drink :)
We really only have about 10-15 days that are REALLY hot in NH - we use our AC about 10 days a year. I brew a lot of mint tea and add a ton of lemon to each glass. I do not function at all in the heat, particularly when humid - we pretty much stay inside until 4 or 5 on those days, not doing much at all.
Today it only hit about 66 - 68 - almost perfect for me! Almost time to start wearing long sleep pants again! With socks! Woohoo!
lots of ice cold watermelon or cantalope. Virgin pina coladas help, too!
How do I stay cool in the summer? Well, I ROUND up all my scrap supplies and start scrapping. Then scrapping is the only thing I think about and I forget how hot it is!! :)
My Grandma used to have what she called, "old fashioned air conditioning". She took a bowl of ice cubes and set it in front of a fan. Talk about nice & cool. If you were outside in the heat, she'd fill a bandana center with ice & roll it up and make you wear it on the back of your neck. She'd even sew them judst right to make a pocket ofr the ice to fit in. Both of these I still use today!!!
Vicki Flinchum
i love the bind it all and the dream kutz! there were must haves for me after i saw them on QVC!
We stay cool either next to the pool sipping mojitos or tubing down the river with a big group of friends.
I love to sip my home brewed ice tea, sit under the canopy while my kids stay cool playing on the waterslide we slurged on this summer.
Living in Seattle we have only about one week a year where it reaches the 90's. So it isn't really worth it to buy an air conditioner to store all year. We do a "ghetto" air conditioner by placing a big bowl of ice in front of the fan and letting it blow cool icy air in the room.
Thanks for the opp to win!
Denise C.
Living in Seattle we have only about one week a year where it reaches the 90's. So it isn't really worth it to buy an air conditioner to store all year. We do a "ghetto" air conditioner by placing a big bowl of ice in front of the fan and letting it blow cool icy air.
Thanks for the opp to win!
Denise C.
Lots and lots of ice cream!
Staying in the AC is a good start. My other stay cool option is to head over to my parents house and go for a swim. It is so nice to have a pool close by that is open at anytime!
H20! Swimming, sprinklers, water fights, spray bottles, ice cold water or lemonaide. A nice cool shower before bed always helps too.
Thanks for the contest. Heidi H.
How do we stay cool? We are blessed with central air... and I turn it to cooler.. and bask. Also.. my scrap room is in my basement... which is extra cool. AND.. let's not forget ice cream!!!
Since we do not have AC, to stay cool I drink lots and lots and lots of water....just plain ole water. An ocassional splash of cold water on the face and arms helps too. Making cards with cool colors helps too by taking my mind off the heat.
I've been keeping cool by hanging out with my kids in their little pool! And as an added bonus, it wears them out so they nap when we come inside and I can steal some time to scrap!
I keep cool by eating lots and lots of flavor ices!! I also make sure to keep hydrated!
I like to keep cool by hanging out at the lake or staying in the house with the a/c while I scrap! Love your blog!
sleep all day, craft all night! Cooler when the sun goes down =)
Five words at our house
Air conditioning and Ice cream.
LOL! 100 here today!
We've been in the pool a lot this summer.
love the RIA! tfs! :)
I keep all the curtains closed and the ceiling fans on. I try not to use the stove, so cold sandwiches for the kids. They are happy and so am I! Of course, a water fight outside with my boys works great too! Happy summer!
oh my, oh my, what can I say, you never surprise me, how cool! Must get RIA!
Super soaker fights in the back yard. Lots of em!
hi lots of great ideas for keeping cool. I live in Northern Calif and am near the coast so doesn't get too hot I really love the bind it all and hope to win the round it all. Great products. Stay cool
Well here in Iceland it dos not very often get too hot.
But I think I must have been a polar bear in former life because I like things to be cool.
I drink loads of water and make Ribena Popsickles I swim in the pool and wade with my dog through the river and creeks. she is more prone to feeling to hott so I often play with the waterhose with her while watering my plants.
she loves it.
Also when we were at the glacier lagoon on a hot day she stood on a small ice burg to cool off.
see here in link
I travel allot in Iceland and take loads of pictures of the funny things my dog does and the beautiful nature :)
We stay cool by visiting Nana's (aka the mother in law) for a swim but its been a cool and wet summer here so we haven't been swimming much.
Decaf iced tea!! I make it decaf so that I can drink it any time of day. Also, frozen desserts help a lot. The "Strawberry Whipped Sensation" recipe from Kraft's website has been our favorite so far.
Ha, here in Sweden it´s easy; just walk right out into the pouring rain! Lol...not!
(Pick me, pick me, pick me!)
Luckily I live in Northern California so I don't have to deal with the humidity. But I still jump in the pool on a hot day and relax with a big glass of iced tea!
wow, what a great product!
I stay cool by staying inside and blasting the AC. =)
wow! A ROUND IT ALL?! I want one so bad!
To stay cool I eat those otter pops and drink iced coffee! at all times of the day!
To try and beat the Oklahoma heat we head to the lake during the day, where I take entirely too many pictures, then home to pick my favorite of the pics to scrap while luxuriating in the A/C and listening to tunes on my Ipod! Life is good!
i make melon balls! YUM!! so flavorful and so refreshing!
definitely otter pops!! and a nice dip in the ocean:)
When my husband and I bought our house in 2006 we had no A.C. I swear it was one REALLY HOT SUMMER. To keep cool we would play with the kids outside with the water hose, Drink cold water and eat yummy ice cream. Now we have A.C. but that still does not stop us from going outside and playing in the water and eating our favorite ice cream we just stay in with the cool air on those really HOT days. =)
What better way to stay cool than to spend sweltering days at the ice rink watching my son improve his hockey skills! I photograph by day and Bind-It-All together by night in the comfort of my cozy air conditioned scrappers paradise! Ahhh...summer fun!
there are many ways that i stay cool in the summer...iusually scrap in my air conditioned scrap room...and drink plenty of water...but if it just one of those days that is just too hot i look at all the pictures of all the snow we got last winter and that usually reminds me that summer is so short here in Maine that i shouldn't complain about the heat...yup snow pictures will cool me off fast...lol
We stay cool with a big bowl of Breyer's ice cream! Nothing beats it!
lately for me staying cool has meant being in the AC, scrapping or doing some other kids of projects, lots of BTS stuff lately!!
I go play in the yard with my dogs and the hose. They love to bite the water as it comes out of the hose and get all wet. Then when they shake, it's perfect! Just like those misters at the fancy restaurants! You get cool and only get enough wet so the evaporation cools you!
Love this new product!!
This summer, we're staying cool in our pool!!
This may SOUND SILLY but it's so much FUN... and it was started when I was a kid and now is tradition...
We love to have "SQUIRT BOTTLE FIGHTS" at the park in the evenings- when its getting dark. We go to the jungle gym type thingy- where there is a platform, with ladders. etc and squirt the heck out of each other- while trying to take shelter from the fortress (gym). Everyone screams and giggles and gets soaked! We all get great excercise too without suffering from the heat! BTW squirt bottles are better than squirt guns cuz they hold more water and you can control the spray. What makes it even better is it's FREE "keep cool" fun for the whole family!
Oh and for the adults later, you must try one of my (until now) "secret recipes" for the perfect Summer Drink:
Tropical Island
Fill glass with ice
1 oz Mailibu rum
1 oz peach schnapps
orange juice
pineapple juice
(PJ and OJ pour equal parts saving 2 inches at top of glass)
splash cranberry juice
float 1 oz Meyers rum on top
Garnish with a piece of pineapple, cherry, and an umbrella.
When I used to be a bartender, I became famous for this creation- it's YUMMY! Serve this at any party and you will be the Hostess with the Mostess!!
Pitcher of Margaritas :) And a few cabana boys fanning me with palm leaves. Yep, that ought to do it! Too bad I'm dreaminmg!
I drink lots of iced tea and crunch on ice.... When it's really bad, I also jump into a cold shower.... but thank goodness for my ceiling fans!!!
I DON'T survive without my A/C!!! I can't help it, I just don't tolerate the heat! A day at the pool is another way I can survive the heat!
Super soaker fights in the backyard. Definitely keeps the kids laughing instead of whining in the 100+ degree days!
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