
Friday, July 1, 2011

Need to Learn Bind-it-All Basics?

Bind-it-All 101:
Punching & Binding and ZO Much More
4 Weeks - $25
Starts July 18 -  but join anytime and view lessons at your own pace.

Join Founding Zutter Zister Nan Paturzo in this info rich and project packed "101" course on everything you need to know about how to use your Bind-it-All.  Taught exclusively at My Creative Classroom.  This 4-week course will have you punching and binding everything you can imagine...and then some!

Classes start Monday, July 18, but you can register anytime.  Take the course at your own pace, from anywhere you have a computer and internet access.  Suitable for the BIA V2.0 (pink) or the original blue version tool.

More information and register CLICK HERE


  1. Gosh, I'm probably going to be the only one with a boo-hoo comment but this really is something that should come with the machine. It almost seems shameful to charge for instructions on how to use a vendor's product. I'm not saying it isn't worth the price---it's just hard enough out here to afford all of these gadgets and then have to shell out more to learn how to use it. If this were an advanced course, I could understand it. Anyone can learn the basics on YouTube for free.

  2. Hi Janine, you are right - there are loads of resources for getting tips for using the Bind-it-All. We have a video library at and other Help and Tips tabs there as well as at This is in addition to the DVD and instruction booklet that comes with the tool. We strongly encourage use of all those resources.

    However, like with any skill - and even with other well known crafting tools - there are numerous classes that teach how to get the most from their use. It's not unlike any class offered at your local stores.

    Thanks for your comment!

  3. Can you guys (pretty please with a cherry on top) write a post about mini album storage ideas. I have tons of different shapes and sizes. I love displaying them but also need storage ideas as well.
