
Thursday, January 8, 2009

In 2009 I Will.....

..........create more custom-bound mini books with Zutter Cover-Alls and Chipboard :)

Time to give away some goodies. Leave a comment about what YOU WILL try to do more of in 2009 and FIVE lucky scrappers will get a sample pack that will include a Cover-All and some Zutter covers in various sizes. Need to brush up on Cover-Alls? Check out the video here. Check back often, as our Design Team will be blogging some ideas and tips this month. Winners will be selected randomly on January 15th! Good Luck!

"I Will" Cover-All by Design Team Member Julie Ann Kelley


  1. life is about to marriage of 26 years is ending, I just turned 50 But I WILL NOT let it get me down! I hope to dive into scrapbooking and I hope to do more of what makes me happy FOR ME!!!

  2. I will do more scrapbooking, I will work on improving my vocal skills, I will learn new things and be available for God to use me in people's lives. I will learn more about the person I am becoming.

  3. Like the poster before me, my marriage is also ending and I'm moving back to USA after living 10 years in Sweden with my Swedish husband. We are going to share custody of our 3-year-old which will be super hard and that prompts me to say, in 2009 I will be STRONG. I will move on with my life with grace and dignity and continue my pursuit of happiness. I will also continue scrapping as it is one huge source of happiness and contentment that I can never give up!!

  4. I will really try to spend more time doing things I want to do for me. One of those is to do more scrapbooking. I also want to use my bind it all every month, I LOVE IT and want to think of new and exciting ways to incorporate it.

  5. I will SURVIVE! I'm a single mom of a 17 year old girl.

  6. I will try to do more things that help make life easier for the people I love. I made a monthly planner for my DH when the one he usually purchased couldn't fit the pencil he likes to use. I used the BIA I just received for Christmas so he can slip the pencil into the owire. He loves it!

  7. Being a brand new, first-time grandmother, I will gladly do more babysitting!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Sorry I misspelled some things so wanted to do it over.

    In 2009 I Will. . . finish my Memorial Scrapbook of my dad and become a grandma to a baby boy who is to be named after my dad.

  10. In 2009 I want to focus on having fun instead of being bogged down with house stuff. I want to enjoy my 2 very young children. They are only young once!

  11. I will make more mini albums that contain things like greeting cards and my kids artwork that they insist I keep!

  12. In 2009, I will start using more of my stash instead of just hoarding it, and make lots of use of my new BIA.

  13. ...actually finish some of those mini albums I've started. Yep, finish them.

  14. In 2009, I WILL keep up the exercise program I started on January 1st. (Yes, I know that most people stop keeping their resolutions by February!) I WILL learn how to deal with difficult people at work. (Any help on THAT one will be much appreciated!) ~nancy in ny

  15. this year i have dedicated to redefining ME. i am struggling with who i am without children. the empty nest has swallowed me whole and i don't even recognize me anymore. thanks,ms.cheryl

  16. I will try to do more scrapbooking to, and don't make things the last minutes:).

  17. I will have soooooooo much fun using my new bind it all !!!

  18. I will have soooooooooooooo much fun
    creating with my new bind it all ....

  19. i will be going to disney world with my kids... it's been awhile, and they are SO excited! =)

  20. I will "Be the change I wish to see in the world." [Ghandi]. And my own version of this, "Be the change I wish to see in my life."

  21. have fun and remain grateful for all my blessings. Life is great!!!!!

  22. In 2009, I plan on losing weight and getting fit. I also plan on spending more time outside instead of on the couch. I will use my dirtbike more than once this year and I will become a decent scuba diver...

  23. I will take more time to pamper myself! I have taken the backseat for sometime now and always put my family first. I feel way older then I am and need a new fresh start.....And of course SCRAP SCRAP SCRAP!

  24. OH wow!!!!!!! This has been hard for me so far this year but am trying really really hard, I stopped smoking 2 1/2 months ago and have put on some weight (to much) so I went to the Dr which sent me to the Dietitian and I am trying so hard to eat less and eat healthy and not to pick up another cig. My children are so proud of me for quiting and it is a challenge everyday, but am doing it.
    But for my art I am going to put more into my art when I do it like learning new things.
    oh thanks for the chance at the cover all's. Have kept looking in the store here for them but no go yet.

  25. In 2009, I will be more organised and make more productive use of my time. Then I'll end up with more time to spend with my hobby ;)

  26. In 2009 I will become a mother for the 2nd time. I will also make it a point to attempt to scrapbook more often, create more handmade cards and more mini albums.

  27. In 2009, I will finally buy a Bind-it-all! I have been eyeing them. In 2009, I will remember every that is good in my life and try not to let all the bad get me down. I will get a handle on my finances and try to get more out of debt. I will continue to tell my husband and children that I love them everyday. I will continue to tell my mom and sisters that I love them every day. I will do another 100+ layouts this year and finish an album about me so that when my time comes my children will know about me instead of just what they saw.

  28. In 2009 I will... use more of my scrapbook stash; including my Bind-It-All! I will also pick up a Round-It-All for all of the great projects I'll be creating.

  29. In 2009, I will actually some of these paper crafting supplies!!

  30. This year, I am going to try to buy less and USE more!!!

  31. In 2009, I want to try new things(like the bind it all) I love making things and have been looking at this for a while. And I am going to dedicate more time to scrapping and not swapping LOL. I am also going to take more time for me which means scrapping more of course LOL :)

    Try to speend more time with my kids instead of worrying about how the house looks ot what has to be done...

    Too sum it up in 2009 I am going to focus on the more important things of life.

  32. I want to do more crafting especially using my BIA and learning about how to use my brand new dreamkutz which will hopefully make things a lot easier.

  33. I am determined to break into politics. I have complained for years and it is now time to do something to change the things I don't like. To work for the people! BTW - LOVE my Bind-It-All!

  34. I plan to relax more I hope - seems I never can just relax...after 4 years of working full time and going to school in evening - I need to relax!

  35. in earnest, I WILL create personalized and unique gifts for all of my friends, relatives, and special co-workers this year. They are the most important "things" in my life!

  36. Well, since I just bought a Bind It All, in 2009 I will be making lots of mini albums of our new baby!

  37. In 2009 I will crate more projects and give away more of my creations, donating to charities, etc.

    Deb H

  38. Spend more time with my grandbabies. Take more pictures to scrapbook. Start using my horde of scrapbooking supplies. Slow down and take time to appreciate my blessings. Help others who are in need.

  39. This year I want to think and act out more with my heart. I want to be more aware of what is going on with family and friends that are in my life.

  40. This year I want to SLOW down and enjoy my kids/grandkids more. I WILL MAKE time to scrapbook.

  41. I'll be doing more sewing..I'm working on my BOM, and of course trying to keep up with scrapping my grandaughter.
    I hope to learn some new techniques, and improve my scrapping skills.
    I will take more time for myself and not spread myself so thin.

  42. I will be the real me. I will scrapbook more, and complain less. I will eat better. I wll love more, forgive more and pray more. I will learn more and share more.
    THanks for the chance to win.

  43. In 2009 I will lose weight! I have lost 25 pounds and look to do another 25 pounds. I will scrap more. I will pay off some debt. I will spend more time with my husband!!

  44. In 2009 I will do more scrapbooking for myself, scan all of my mom's older photos and make copies for my siblings and make a heritage scrapbook so my grandchildren will know their heritage.

  45. I will pray more, give more, and of course scrapbook and create more!

  46. On 2009 I will try to give more and I wiil try to focus on the things trat trully matter.

  47. I will be making lots of mini books because I just got a bind it all.

  48. In 2009 I will endeavor to use my Bind-it All along with my other room full of acquired stuff to make gifts for people, to use up some of this stuff. My goal is to stamp/scrap more and be less bored, which in turn makes me buy more and more stuff. I know, sounds like you too, doesn't it!!!! UGH.....DOUBLE UGH UGH!!

    Pacifica, CA

  49. Lovely album!!!!!
    For 2009 I'm planning to open an etsy store, practice more on photography, learn more techniques on bookbinding and paper related stuff, use my tools and supplies and be happy!!!

  50. I will be creating a "year in review" book for my family for their birthdays. They all love my creations which I get the creative boost from you guys!

  51. in 2009 i will get more organized. so if i win, maybe i will make myself a planner or organizer with the supplies!

  52. In 2009 I will be more "green"!! I want to recycle things around the house that can be used on my pages/cards...and get creative doing it!! I also want to try really hard to use up my stash before I buy more!!

  53. I will stamp more and have more fun doing it. And maybe purchase a bia (make mine blue V2.0) and bind, bind, bind.

  54. in 2009 i will be healthier...sure i'd like too lose the baby weight, after all he's turning 1 next week, but i want to make healthier choices for me and all 3 of my kids...already made a little booklet to help me along with my BIA that i got for my b-day/christmas.

  55. I will be scrapbooking more, for the past 2 years, I've managed to only do 37 LOs goal for this year is 100.

    I am also overhauling our finances and looking for ways to save more money. I've already started and it is giving me quite the rush.

  56. Ooo... I have yet to try the cover alls! I haven't been able to find them... hmmmm

    Well I am going to:
    1. Use what I have (scrapbook wise)
    2. Do the 365 layout challenge
    3. Work on getting me healthy
    4. Go on a spending diet


  57. I will live a healtier life, spend more time with my family and friends, and take tons more pictures to scrap!

  58. I will craft more than I did in 2008! But I will try to use some of my supplies that I am "collecting" instead of buying too much more.

  59. I hope to do more scrapbook pages this year. And I will use up my stash of paper instead of buying more every time I go into a scrapbook store. And I also got my lovely pink bind-it-all for my birthday so I will make some projects with it. Have loads of ideas floating around in my head.

  60. In 2009 I will do my best not to put things off :)

  61. I will try to be a more patient mother, a more supportive wife, and kinder to myself. Oh, yes, and squeeze in a bit more scrapping too!

  62. This is the year I will try to step out of my box and scrap more freely!! I vow to use more ink and paints, to hand journal and to scrap without lines!!

  63. I will survive. In September, I lost my most beloved husband. In November, I lost my dog. In December I had to give up our fost-adopt twins who were scheduled for adoption in February. I have gone from being a member of a family to being alone with my old beagle. Everyone tells me I have to keep busy. So I will be starting a pottery class next week, taking a hat making workshop probably in the spring, and attending a week-long photography class in Minnesota this summer. I just want to make it through my first year without him.

  64. In 2009...

    I HAVE been admitted to hospital for the first time so I WILL need followup appointments to get myself back to good health.

    I WILL have to move house for the 30-somthing time (due to marital separation).

    I WILL devote more time to ME, so I WILL scrap more, go out more, do more of what I want to do.

  65. My life is changing for good this year. I'm happier now than I've been in over 5 years. I'm working out and working towards losing those pounds and I'm not stopping yet. This year, I am in it to win it, and I'm not backing down!

  66. I will scrap more and spend less.

    Swirls R Pretty (

  67. well to get my 3 charge cards paid off. do more scrapping on bom stuff..hopefully go to Colorado to see my son...pray that my job is like to get involved in some classes being scrapping or exercise or other things where i can get out and meet more friends...and to try to improve my relationship with my husband. spend time with the grandchildren...

  68. In 2009 I more scrapbooking, spend less money, have more patience, lose weight and voice my feelings more to my boyfriend. (He gets kind of upset when I get mad and don't say anything to him)

  69. I will try to do more of having me time! and saying no so i do not have so much on my plate!

  70. In 2009 I want to spend more time with my grandkids (take more pictures), and scrapbook more. I want to use my bind-it-all to make books of the different pictures my grandkids color for me. And just have fun scrappin as much as possible.

  71. This year I will dust off my BIA and make some books instead of simply thinking about doing it!

  72. I will try to document more of the little things that make up my life!


  73. I want to craft more and get healthier. I want to make some changes for the better. Make a little me time.

  74. In 2009 I will FINALLY get to buy a bind it all! Hooray! So i will also make my own albums and hopefully heaps of other stuff too so keep the ideas coming :)

  75. I will.....

    Alow myself to realise my dreams......

  76. This year I am going to be more active, scrap more and play on the wii more!

  77. In 2009, I will craft with a purpose. I will complete scrapbooks for my family. I will make cards and send them to others for encouragement.

  78. Well, i have just recently become the proud owner of a BIA...just found the courage to take it out its box, so in 2009 i WILL make more books:)

  79. In 2009 I must destash, and create kits with what I've got to make sure I use them, and not let them collect dust :)

  80. I will make my mojo do some work instead of slacking for the last year!! And hopefully life won't get in the way and i will get my wish, Please!!! So bring it on BIA lets go get this mojo back in the driving seat!!

  81. In 2009 I will learn how to use the new BIA I got for Christmas and makes lots of books with it.

  82. I really must get some cover-alls to have a play with...they look fab. But in 2009 I must use more of what I buy - not just hoard and stroke it LOL

    Toni :o)

  83. This year of 2009 I promise to spend more time with my two darling sons! I have noticed how quickly they both are growing up! I also promise to devote time for me to scrap!

  84. try to spend more time doing the things that make me and my family happy.

  85. I am finishing my 2009 calendar right now and will bind it this weekend. I recently purchased red covers and page protectors to make a mini album of my Christmas photos. I can't wait. I love my BIA!

  86. I will make more time for my scrapping!!

  87. I have always wanted to make books and journals and I will do it this year with my new zutter tools. Happy 2009 to all.

  88. IN 2009, I will use up more supplies and use the BIA more so the dust come off it. I will stop buying supplies I end up casting off to my kids (i.e. make smarter choices). I will stop feeling like I MUST scrap every event.

  89. In 2009 I will try and use my scrapping stuff more than in 2008, I will try and use my Wii more as it has been forgotten about and I will try and have fun!

  90. In 2009 I will start my own company, and quit my old job. Alot of possibilities around the corner in 2009.

  91. I will be glad for all I have, not worry about what I may not have. I will rejoice in the many funny, happy times I share with my family and friends. I will forget that I have turned 60! Donna T. S.

  92. In 2009 I will rejoice in the happy moments with friends & family and forget that I turned 60!


  93. There are a lot of things that everyone thinks about when we think about new year resolutions. One of a few that I have is to spend more time on my scrapbooking. I have so much to catch up on that don't think there is such a thing as caught up. ;0)

  94. I will try to get myself more organized so I can actually DO some more scrapbooking. I will try to scrap one layout a week. I will try to make mini albums for 2009 Christmas gifts.

  95. I WILL conquer my "fear" of using my BIA and I WILL make some everso beautiful things using all the inspiration from this site that I can find! LOL!

  96. I am planning on doing more scrapbooking and making more time to write.
    My bookgroup and I are also planning to release 1000 plus books at a local festival.
    I can juggle, I just have to keep telling myself I can do that.

  97. I Will... Allow Happiness Into My Life. I Will... Be Positive. I Will... Be Giving. I Will... Live For Today. Oh And I WILL SCRAP! :D

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. This year I will take more time out just for me! Time to relax, enjoy some peace and quiet, and time to destress... all while using my BIA of course!

  100. In 2009 I will...prepare for retirement, play more with my scrapping/stamping toys, make many many items with my BIA as the ownership has ignited my creative juices.

  101. I plan on doing much more scrapbooking! I will use my Bind It All to create many more books and gifts this year. 2009 will be my best scrapping year yet!!

  102. I feel like a lot of people have already said this, but I plan to do less thinking about scrapbooking and more ACTUAL scrapbooking! I am loving mini albums and my DH just got me a Bind-it-All for Christmas! :-)

  103. I hope to get my stamping area cleaned up and more organized. I do this all of the time but it just keeps getting messy on all of the horizontal areas ... I do not understand why! I love my BIA and use it a lot for my books and books to sell! Blessings

  104. I *will* get more layouts done and finalized in an album. Layouts are harder than cards - they seem infinite. So goal - get down and get them done.

  105. This year I will definitely spend more time doing things that make me happy and less time doing things that I think will make other people happy.

  106. This year I will do more projects that are scrapbooking related. I have done layouts for so long and never have worked on projects. I have had my BIA for 2 years and NEVER used it until I started looking on this blog. :) I just looked at the "stepping out of the box" post and got another idea :)

  107. i will do most of the stuff fo rmy wedding myself - invites, decors and favors. :)

  108. I really hope to learn more of my BIA during 2009 - and be kind to myself.

  109. I will try to do more scrapbook pages, more projects using my BIA and I will try to improve my photography skills

  110. In 2009 I will use up some of my scrapbook stash. I am also going to be more deliberate about finding time to scrapbook. Losing some weight would be great too! (How much room do I have here to list all the things that I want to do?????)

  111. I will save more money, and therefor shop wisely and keep in touch more with family and friends.

  112. I promise I will use my bind-it-all more in 2009 to create projects that I didn't think I could accomplish

  113. I will use my bind it all to create projects other than books such as calenders, picture frames, etc.

  114. definitely start doing minibooks! and save up so I can buy my own pink BIA :)

  115. I 2009 I will....
    1. Save more, spend less.
    2. Take extra time to exercise.
    3. Read a book once a week.
    4. Finish At least 3 LO a week.
    5. Spend more time with my daughter, Rain.
    6. Be more loveable and available to my hunny...

  116. I will finish our basement and enjoy life more. What I am looking most forward too is getting the invitations done for my DS 's wedding to a wonderful girl who I am proud to have in my family...

  117. i will try to be more active in our church and be more serious in building my personal relationship with God. In scrapbooking, i will do more layouts ad be more productive because last year, scrapbooking took a back seat because the photography bug bit me.

  118. This year I will create more books to encourage people during these rough times. God has blessed me with a Wonderful family and I want to be a blessing to everyone I come in contact with.


  119. In 2009 I will make a real effort to make more items to sell locally, as all of my stuff that I made before Xmas sold in 3 days and I made $400. I really need this extra income as my DH lost his job last October and the job market is pretty grim. I love doing this stuff so I would be right in my element.

  120. This year, I am going to try to buy less and USE more!!!

  121. this year, I will try to be more discipline with my diet and exercise. i want to lose weight and be physically fit.

  122. Hi...I am the proud owner of a new zutter binditall but have no supplies as yet lol...and have not played with it either as we were all sick over the vow to get this out of the box and play VERY SOOON! In MI many of our stores are closing so I hope I can find supplies here, but a care package from you would be TOTALLY AWESOME! I love the blog and the ideas and the videos! TY! Your new best friend, Cher
